Done the Camino? Try these fresh trails in Sweden, Jordan, Albania and beyond.
Best hikes around Lake Como
To make the most of Lake Como, swap your Jimmy Choos for walking shoes.
Podcast – Walk the World: Lisbon
Join us for a walk through Lisbon, one of Europe’s most splendid cities and the home of the custard tart.
Podcast – Walk the World: Edinburgh
Join us on a walk through Edinburgh’s most scenic streets and discover the city’s hidden history – and its most spectacular bar.
How to hike New Zealand’s best walks
Our guide to hiking New Zealand includes the best walking tracks and vital know-before-you-go tips.
Podcast – Walk the World: Bamberg
Join us on this podcast as we take a walk through Bamberg – not just Germany’s beer capital, but one of its prettiest towns.
Podcast – Walk the World: Antwerp
Join me for a walk through Belgium’s coolest city, which combines a thriving design scene with exquisite baroque architecture and a rich artistic heritage.
Podcast – Walk the World: Istanbul
Empires come and go, but Istanbul endures. With more than 2,500 years of history, this spectacular city is best explored on foot.
Podcast – Walk the World: Rio
Lace up your virtual walking shoes and join us as we explore Rio’s most beguiling neighbourhood, Santa Teresa.
Podcast – Walk the World: Naples
Ready to explore Italy’s most infamous city? Join us for a virtual walk through Naples and you will discover why this scruffy beauty outshines much of the competition.
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